Tackling the ‘summer gap’ challenge through English enrichment classes
The Villa Soleada Bilingual School located in El Progreso, Honduras holds classes from August to May. In order to close the “summer gap” challenge, the school provides summer enrichment classes. Launched in 2016, the Summer Camp program offers unique classes for students attending the bilingual School. The program selects up to 10 teachers who teach a different skill, topic, or activity of their choice. Past topics have been science, music, geography, art, yoga, sports, and more.

More Information
This year, the Villa Soleada Bilingual School will conduct 1 Summer Camp session in the summer of 2020. During these two and a half weeks, counselors will take part in training, events with students, half days of activities, and tutoring. Each counselor is asked to cover a program fee of $650 that covers housing, transportation, and food.
Session dates: July 9th – July 23rd, 2023
Weekday Schedule:
Summer School: 8:00am to 12:00pm
Lunch and Debrief: 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Technology Class: 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Planning and Afternoon Activities: 2:30pm to 5:00pm
Free Time and Dinner: 5:00pm to 7:00pm
**The weekends and last Friday will not follow this plan

“No words will ever be able to describe the emotions that I felt being there, but I would love to try to portray them. Working with absolutely incredible teachers, staff, and children on a daily basis is something that most people don’t get to experience.”
– Miss Amanda, Art Teacher during 2017 Summer Camp
Nearly two years ago, I spent two amazing weeks teaching for the Villa Soleada Bilingual School Summer Camp. I couldn’t have been more lucky. No words will ever be able to describe the emotions that I felt being there, but I would love to try to portray them. Working with absolutely incredible teachers, staff, and children on a daily basis is something that most people don’t get to experience. It’s the type of experience that lingers with me everyday and brings a smile to my face. I taught, I learned, and I had a time that I will never forget. I thought this organization was outstanding the first time I went down, so I went back a second and third time, which solidified that thought. I look forward to returning soon and cannot wait to meet more incredible people!

How to Apply
Submit your application by March 31st by 11:59 p.m. along with your resume and cover letter to [email protected]. Your cover letter should be one page long. Tell us about a skill, activity, or knowledge base you have that could be shared with your students this summer.
If you have been selected, you will be notified in the following two weeks. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].